서브 컨텐츠
Free Oral Examination for Kyung Hee Students
Free oral examinations are provided for Kyung Hee University students as well as nearby elementary schools students and residents. First-year, second-year and pre-dent students mainly assist third and fourth-year students to perform oral examinations. Through the collaboration of many professors, juniors, and undergraduates, we are able to share this positive experience as a dental school.
WBM (Will Be a Man)
Under the motto of “let’s be human before being a dentist”, WBM (Will Be a Man) is a volunteer club that is engaged in various activities related to dental services. This club provides a one-day dental service on the first Saturday of each month for about 10 months each year. It also holds academic presentations every semester as well as a long-term dental clinic that is open for 2 days during vacations.
CDSA (Christian Dental Student Association)
The Christian Dental Student Association is actively pursuing service based on their faith as Christians. They hold a small service once a month during the semester, and hold long-term service and membership training for 5 days during vacation. Once a semester, they provide the opportunity to explore new knowledge and questions about dentistry through a special lecture.
KODA (Kyung Hee Old Dental Association)
KODA is offering dental services to foreign workers in the blind spot of dental treatment. The clinic is held twice a month at a center for foreign workers in Bucheon and a long-term clinic is open in Mitan-myeon, Gangwon-do for 4 days during summer vacations.
Medical Society
The Medical Society is a union club with other departments and prospective medical doctors. The clinic regularly visits Garibong-dong, Guro-gu every first and third weeks of each month to provide services to the public as well as providing free medical services during summer vacation.
Medical Research Society
The Medical Research Society serves those in society who are neglected and lacking proper care. They provide long-term medical service for three days during summer vacations, and overseas medical service in Cambodia.